
Blocking Property


set the blocking of <movie | path | sound>
to <boolean> Applies to movies, paths, and sounds


Note: The blocking boolean property is one possible value for the playStyle property of movies, paths, and sounds When blocking is set to true, your movie, path, or sound plays synchronously. This means that all other scripts are suspended until the sound, movie, or path completes playback. When blocking is set to false, your movie, path, or sound plays asynchronously. This means that scripts continue to execute during the object's playback. The blocking boolean property is one of the possible values of the playStyle property.


If you are going to mix two or more sounds, the playStyle property of the sound must not be set to blocking, which means that blocking is set to false.
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.